September 19, 2023

The Owl 9/19/2023

Curriculum Night is Tomorrow! Here are the Schedules!

All parents are encouraged to attend ISP Curriculum Night, when teachers meet with parents as a group to share information about our academic program, homework and expectations for the year. Meet and speak with your student(s)’ Homeroom and English teachers!
Art, Music, and PE Specialists will also be sending out more information.

WHAT: ISP Curriculum Night
WHEN: Wednesday, September 20, 5-7pm (precise session schedule will be sent next week)


It’s Hispanic Heritage Month!

ISP is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from September 15th through October 15th. Dating back to 1968, Hispanic Heritage Month honors contributions by people of Hispanic identity. At ISP, we’re excited to celebrate the diverse cultures and countries within our Spanish Track and school community at large!

Next Friday, September 22, the ISP Parent Network, in coordination with several of our Spanish track teachers, will be hosting a special Hispanic Heritage Month celebration! The event will be split held both during the school day AND after school, so that as many ISP community members can enjoy it. This will involve music, snacks, and other activities.

We would love to have some parent volunteers help support the after school portion of the event! Below is the link for more information about the volunteer opportunities and to sign up.


Picture Day is Next Friday!

Picture Day is next Friday, September 29th (it’s also “Dress to Impress Day” for ISP Spirit Week)!

Order forms should be going with your child this week. Please check backpacks! Pre-orders for picture packages may also be placed online by visiting and searching for “International School of Portland.” Your online order can be placed before and up to four (4) days after picture day. For order accuracy, please return your completed envelope on picture day for all payment types.

You are not required to purchase a photo package. However, we will be photographing every student for internal record-keeping purposes.

PICTURE RETAKE DAY: Tuesday, November 14th. If your child is absent on September 29th, please plan on having your child’s photo being taken on November 14th. We will send a reminder to all families whose students did not attend on Sept 29.

***If your child does not attend school on Fridays, your child is still welcome to get their photo taken! Please reach out to your child’s teacher about the times for their students’ pictures. You can bring your child to the gym with their class for their photo. You can also choose to wait for Retake Day, above***

Subscribe to the ISP Calendar through MySchool App

Our 2023-24 ISP school calendar is on our website:, but did you know that you can subscribe to it to get updates on your phone and personal calendar? The calendar gets fed through MySchool App, so log in to subscribe!

BONUS: You will now see several calendars available, including general school calendars and ones for your children. Pick and choose which ones to subscribe to!

About the MySchool App Calendar

You can access the school calendars by logging into MySchool App ( and clicking on “Calendar” on your navigation bar.

The calendar defaults to display an aggregate of your school’s events; however, you can use the date options on top and the filter options on the left to find and filter to your desired view.

How to subscribe to the School Calendar

1. Click on the little “feed” icon in the top right hand corner of the calendar (thats the one that looks like a partial rainbow):

2. Scroll down to School Calendar

3. Select whether to use a feed for the entire calendar or for individual calendars within a section (NOTE: There isn’t much else on those calendars!). Add to your calendar by clicking on whichever feed you want.

4. You should then get an option for adding it to various calendar apps like iCal, etc.

QUICK GUIDE: Add to your GOOGLE Calendar

If you use Google Calendar you can use the quick steps below to subscribe to the ISP School Calendar

1.Go to your Google Calendar

2. Scroll down to “Other Calendars” and press the + sign to add other calendars

3. Choose “From URL”

4. Copy and paste the entire link below:


5. The calendar will be saved under that link name in Google, but you can edit the name to be ISP – Public Calendar or whatever you want.

6. You can also then click back to your calendar lists and change the color of this calendar and/or HIDE the old calendar from your list by using the three dots to the right of the calendar name in Google.