September 19, 2023

The Owl 9/19/2023

September Learner Profile Attribute: Caring

The ten International Baccalaureate Learner Profile traits are school values, and are means by which to support healthy social and emotional development. Our faculty focuses upon one of them each month as means.

For September, our faculty are focusing on “Caring”

Profile Overview: We show empathy, compassion, and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.

In other words…

  • I care about others. Their thoughts and feelings are important, too!
  • I show that I care through kind words and actions
  • When I show kindness and respect, I help my whole community.

Our librarians, Amy and Tomoyo, have recommended books about Caring. They are available for checkout at the ISP Library!


Important Attendance Reminders

The school day at ISP officially begins at 8am. You can check in your student(s) starting at 7:30am
The school day ends at 3:00pm. The regular pickup window is between 3:00-3:30pm on all days except Wednesdays, when it is 2:00-2:30pm.
Global Kids Extended-Day runs until 5:30pm every weekday.
We’ve been dismissing students a few minutes early over the past few weeks

Absences, Appointments, Late Arrivals

In addition, please enter absences/appointments/late arrival/etc. into School Pass by clicking the “+” in the app. This updates attendance, notifies the front desk, and notifies the teacher. Please do not email the teacher directly. The message can get lost if there is a substitute.


Hispanic Heritage Month is Coming Soon!

ISP is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from September 15th through October 15th. Dating back to 1968, Hispanic Heritage Month honors contributions by people of Hispanic identity. At ISP, we’re excited to celebrate the diverse cultures and countries within our Spanish Track and school community at large!

Next Friday, September 22, the ISP Parent Network, in coordination with several of our Spanish track teachers, will be hosting a special Hispanic Heritage Month celebration! The event will be split held both during the school day AND after school, so that as many ISP community members can enjoy it. This will involve music, snacks, and other activities.

We would love to have some parent volunteers help support the after school portion of the event! Below is the link for more information about the volunteer opportunities and to sign up.


Parent Network Monthly Meeting this Friday!

The ISP Parent Network’s mission is to strengthen, enhance and encourage the educational and community environment at the International School of Portland. It serves to identify and organize volunteer support at ISP. Just as importantly, it aims to strengthen relationships, communication, and collaboration between parents, faculty, and administrators.

Monthly meetings have begun again, and you’re invited! Join us this Friday to learn more about Parent Network happenings and how to get more involved now or in the future. If you are a current parent at the school, you are already a member of the Parent Network! 🙂

Parent Network Monthly Meeting
Friday, September 15, 8:15am
ISP Arthur Administration Building
122 S Arthur Ave (just up the street from the main campus)

We look forward to getting to know you better!


Global Kids Activities Still Open for Enrollment!

Global Kids still has some after school activities with openings! Here are two examples. To sign up, visit

Theater Club with Gabriela
Schedule: Tuesday
Grades: 2nd-5th
Pricing: $30/session ($300/trimester)
Join Maestra Gabriela in learning the basics of theater and drama! The Theater Club will explore the basics of acting, gain confidence speaking and performing for a crowd, and even write and perform their own plays! Our actors will learn to put themselves in others’ shoes to express different emotions, play acting games, and explore various types of theater.

Outdoor Games Galore with Jacob (First grade only)
Schedule: Tuesday
Grades: 1st
Pricing: $30/session ($300/trimester)
Join Teacher Jacob, our 1st grade recess support and English Specialist, to learn fun, challenging, exciting games to bring back to the playground to share with peers! Club members will learn new games, practice rules, practice leadership skills, and even invent their own games! Gamers can bring their new games and skills and teach their friends during daily recess times.

Our 8th annual ISP Fall Spirit Week is coming up!

In collaboration with the ISP Parent Network, we invite all community members to share in some fun and simple daily activities to show off our school spirit. Look around your house and grab some wacky wear to show off during class!

ISP Fall Spirit Week (Sept 25 – 29th)
Monday: Tie Dye / Rainbow Day! Go with the flow and splash some more color onto the world! Mix and match your favorite colors or just pick one!
Tuesday: Superhero Day! Dress up as in your favorite comic or movie hero, or don a cape and be your own!! Just leave the crime-fighting weapons at home, please…
Wednesday: Pajama Day! Time to get comfy!
Thursday: School Spirit Day! Show off your ISP pride with your school t-shirt or other gear! Make some wings and dress like Owly the mascot!
Friday: Dress to Impress Day! Get dressed like you are going out to a special party! (Pssst – It’s also School Picture Day – more info coming next week!)


ISP Green Corner: Air Quality Monitoring – Now LIVE on IQAir!

ISP now has its own air monitoring station live on IQAir!. IQAir a real-time air quality information platform. The link to ISP’s station below:

Special thanks to Steven Borcherding, Facilities Head, and Mark Usher, Technology Coordinator, for setting up the monitoring!