
M Smith

M Smith

6 years ago via Google

My daughter loves this school and thrives here. She has been taught more in this year of kindergarten than I remember learning before second grade when I was in school. The teachers are all kind and friendly to all of us and make her excited to come to school every day.

Nicole Wood

Nicole Wood

6 years ago via Google

International School of Portland has already exceeded our expectations and we have only been in school a few short months! Our daughter was not doing well in her neighborhood school and was asked to repeat Kindergarten. We took the opportunity to give her a completely different chance at feeling successful and it has paid off. She is interested in learning and enjoys going to school everyday. We cannot be more happy with ISP!

Jake Kuramoto

Jake Kuramoto

2 years ago via Google

My daughter has attended ISP for three years, Low-K through 1st grade in Spanish. We definitely plan to keep her there through 5th grade. The teachers and staff are all very nurturing, which is the main criterion we wanted from an early learning school. The curriculum is outstanding both the language-based and the English, and the kids also get excellent art, music and PE instruction as well. We’ve been very happy with ISP; my only complaint is that parking and driving in and out of the location can be quite challenging.

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