News from Alfonso
Last Thursday our Chinese dance troupe did us proud down at the Capitol Building in Salem. The weather was rather chilly out on the terrace where they danced, and the costumes were not fleece lined, but the girls still managed to dance beautifully before the Governor and the Chinese Consul General from San Francisco as well as other legislators and dignitaries and a crowd of over 100. I am amazed at the confidence of even the 4 and 5 year old group. They were risk takers indeed.
In other news a reminder about picking up students curbside or from the waiting room after school. First, please use the waiting rooms for later pickup only when you NEED to. Those rooms are getting kind of crowded and hard to manage. Try to be at school on time for pickup as a rule. Second, when you come to pickup curbside or in person you must have your pickup up card. If you do not, then you will need to get clearance from the receptionist and a temporary pass, which will require photo ID. Do not EVER get impatient with us about this. One aide may know you and another may not. Whenever there is doubt at all the aides are instructed to send you for verification, even if you look like a perfectly nice person. Last point: once you have dropped off or picked up, do not go steaming blithely out of here. Slowly. Slowly.
This Friday the Japanese track will celebrate Sakura MAtsuri. We can’t invite everyone but a livestream version and professional DVD will be available for those who would like to tune in (details below).
Finally a reminder that next Monday there will be no school for President’s Day, which many of us consider a chance to catch up on work in honor of our hard working founders.
Have a good week and see you at the corner.
Dr. Alfonso Orsini, Head of School,, 503-226-2496 x122