January 25, 2023

The Owl 1/25/23

ELT Education Town Hall

The ISP Educational Leadership Team (ELT) would like to invite you to its first Education Town Hall of the year. Education Town Halls allow you to pose your questions or comments about any part of the academic program of the International School of Portland. The Town Hall will be held in-person, with an option to Zoom in.

Education Town Hall
Tuesday, January 31, 5:30 – 6:30pm
Learners’ Hall

Thanks to those of you who answered the quick Town Hall Survey! This will help to shape the subject matter covered. The survey has closed; we will now sort and group your questions to identify priorities and allow the ELT to respond most effectively and efficiently during the meeting.

The ISP ELT team consists of: Bodo Heiliger, Head of School; Maria Abad, Head of Early Childhood; Jason Johnston, Head of Elementary; Paula Cano, International Baccalaureate PYP Coordinator; and Erin Porter, Student Support Services Coordinator.

“Moving Up” Sessions for PreK, LowK, and K Families

Early Childhood families – Come hear about the year ahead! Please join us for these special “Moving Up” information sessions:

Current Prek families to learn more about LowK: Tuesday, February 7th, 8:15-9:15am
Current LowK families to learn more about Kindergarten: Wednesday, February 8th, 8:15 to 9:15am
Current Kinder families to learn more about 1st Grade: Thursday, February 9th, 8:15 to 9:30am
All sessions will be in Learners’ Hall. No rsvp is necessary. We hope to see you there!

Campus Loop Connector Update

Comprehensive campus planning has long noted the need for a connection to unify the school property. Last year, we began moving forward with the implementation of a paved connector between the cul de sacs at the top of South Sherman St and South Caruthers St. (sometimes referred to as the “Loop Road.”) The intent is to:

-Improve the safety and efficiency of arrival and dismissal by creating a one-way loop for families to drop off and pick up their students.
-Improve access by emergency vehicles in case they need to travel quickly to and from campus.
-Reduce air pollution from idling cars
-The connector would go through the current location of the natural playground. This playground – which was specifically designed to be able to be relocated – would move down to part of the lower playground and be sectioned off. The connector would be closed at all times except during pick up and drop of, and would provide additional play space for ball and blacktop games, which is something that both our PE teachers and students have expressed a desire for (We are also planning for additional campus play space, alongside the relocation of the natural playground and this new paved play area.)

We had originally hoped to construct the road this past summer, but our plans were delayed after the City requested a Phase II design review. Since then, we have conducted the following studies:
-Preliminary Design and Feasibility Study
-Traffic Flow, Queuing and Loading Study
-Storm Water Mitigation & Soils Study
-Civil Engineering design

This week, we plan to file the permit application with the City. We will keep you updated on the project’s status! Questions? Please feel free to respond to this email!


The ISP International Festival is Next Friday!

As you hopefully know, the ISP International Festival will be next Friday, February 3 at the PCC Sylvania Performing Arts Center. This is a great annual tradition at ISP, and is a lot of fun! The school will be divided into 4 shows.

SHOW 1 | 8:30-9:30 – not final performance order

Katy, Chisa, Genny, Monica, JuYa, Junko, Angel, Lorena + Gabriela, Constanza
PreK and LowK families are responsible for transporting or arranging their own carpools to bring students directly to the theater and then back to school or home after the show.
Constanza and Gabriela’s classes are also responsible for transporting or arranging their own carpools to bring students to the theater. Remember that someone from your child’s class may be able to help. There will be school buses to bring these students back TO school.

SHOW 2 | 10:30-11:30 – not final performance order

Constanza, Charlotte, Hideko, Isabel, Lupita, Jennifer, Cristina, Masami
There will be school buses to bring all students performing in this show TO and FROM the theater.
Masami’s class will also perform in Show 3. Parents, pick whichever show time is best for you to come watch!

SHOW 3 | 12:15-1:15 – not final performance order

Masami, Maggie, Taka, Elizabeth, Yessica, Antonia, Wenyun, Ivonne
There will be school buses to bring students performing in Show 3 TO and FROM the theater.
However, Wenyun and Ivonne’s classes will also perform in Show 4. Parents, you can choose to attend one or both shows, but since Show 4 does NOT include busing back to campus afterwards, it may be easiest to come to Show 4.

SHOW 4 | 2:00-3:00 – not final performance order

Wenyun, Ivonne, Tongfang, Lusi, Mariana, Paola, Satoko, Vicky
There will be school buses to bring students performing in Show 4 TO the theater.
Performers in this show will be taken home from the theater by their parents; they will not return to campus. This time was selected so that parents with another child at the school have time to drive from PCC and pick them up before 3:30.


Equity Diversity, and Inclusion Committee

You are invited to join us on our Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee as we continue our current work, establish new goals, and determine concrete actions. This committee is composed of various stakeholders in our community to work together to move ISP forward on these and future initiatives.

If you would like to participate, please fill out this form: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee Sign Ups. All are welcome.

Next Meeting: Feb 22, 8:30-9:30am


Record Volunteer Hours at the Front Desks!

Hello, Volunteers! Did you know that you can record your hours at the school front desks? Ipads are available at Stearns Hall and Hilltop. When you sign out, please go ahead and record your volunteer hours right then and there! Easy peasy!

We have many parents attending meetings, chaperoning, and helping out in the library and classrooms. Please record your hours so that we can track them for grant applications – AND so that we know who to thank! ISP wouldn’t be the great school it is without our volunteers!

Global Gala: Volunteers Still Needed for February 11th!

Volunteers Needed! We would love some more volunteers to help on Saturday evening! We need help checking guests in and out of the event. Contact Rebecca Roberts at rebeccar@intlschool.org if you’d like to join the fun.