The Owl 10/26/21
NEW! Family Technology Guide
Are you constantly befuddled by all the technology platforms that we use to manage our community operations, communicate to families, and complement our student learning? We understand!
Kelly Rogers, our PYP Coordinator, has created a great Tech guide for families that covers the basics on our most frequently used platforms. Check it out to see some helpful tips for MySchoolApp, SchoolPass, Google accounts, SchoolPass, Seesaw and More!
A Guide to Technology at ISP for Families (see Owl email for link)
The guide is on a Padlet; Scroll to the right to see all of the information, and click on areas of interest!
Farewell to Judith and Nurys!
Two very beloved staff members recently stepped away from ISP, either to take a break or pursue a different opportunity. Judith Masjuan, Spanish Teaching Assistant for Kindergarten, was with us for almost 20 years. Nurys Herrera was with us for over ten years as teacher assistant, teacher, and finally as our energetic, smiling assistant to the Head of Early Childhood.
Thank you both for your many years of dedication and passion working with students and staff alike. You will be greatly missed!
Virtual Elementary Discussions
Dear families of 1st – 5th Graders:
Please join Head of Elementary, Dr. Pamela Chandler, for a series of grade-based discussions. This will give members of the community an opportunity to come and hear about developments in the school, as well as provide an open forum to ask questions or voice concerns. These discussions are meant to be casual conversations, with the Head of Elementary, while sharing a virtual cup of coffee. The first round of Virtual Elementary Discussions will take place on the following dates:
Grades 1 & 2: Thursday, November 18, 8:30 – 9:30am
Grade 3 & 4: Friday, November 12 @ 8:30-9:30
Grade 5: Friday, November 19 @ 8:30-9:30
All sessions will be held on Dr Chandler’s Zoom: [See Owl email for link]
Photo Retake Day: November 8th
If you ordered photo packages for your child, please look for them in backpacks this week!
School Picture Retake Day will be Monday, November 8.
If you would like retakes for your child, simply fill out the form below [see Owl email for link] and we will schedule a time for them. Please fill out this form by Tuesday, November 2.
IMPORTANT: Please have your student bring back their original photo package, and Dorian will print the same package with the retake day image.
If your child was absent on the actual day, they will get the opportunity to have their photo taken that day as well.
Fall Costume Parade: NEW! Two viewing options!
Our much-beloved annual Fall Costume Parade will be held this Friday, October 29.
We will be blocking South Water Street to allow space for the students to walk around and see each other while keeping social distance and separate cohorts.
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions parents will NOT be allowed to come watch this year. We will be taking photos, and the event will also be streamed live in our private community Facebook group and on Zoom!
Save the Date: ISP Global Gala!
Tickets go on sale November 15, 2021
Virtual Wall of Wine begins November 8
For more information, visit:
Gilkey Middle School Information Sessions
You are invited to attend the upcoming tours and open houses at Gilkey Middle School (French American International School).
All of their admissions events are currently taking place virtually, so these tours and the Open House will be held via Zoom. Families should register through the links provided above to receive the login information to join the call.
Middle School Open House: November 4 at 6:30 PM
Advanced Spanish Tour: November 19 at 9 AM
Advanced Mandarin Tour: December 10, at 9 AM
Middle School Open Tour: December 3 at 9 AM (open to families interested in any of the language tracks we offer)