March 2, 2014

News from Robert – March 3, 2014

Dear Parents,

This week we are hoping to wrap up school-wide solicitation for the All-Parent Survey and the Annual Fund. Your feedback and support in any amount are critical for our school – please participate if you have not yet done so. Thank you so much to everyone who has participated already.

I will be leaving this Wednesday morning, March 5th, to accompany our fifth grade Chinese track students on their Capstone trip.  I will be off campus and unavailable until March 31 when we return from break. In my absence, Maria Abad will be the senior administrator to contact should you have any questions or concerns. I hope you will be able to read the Capstone blogs through ITK as we and the Spanish and Japanese groups send back our news.

This week I also want to share the Institutional Advancement section of our NWAIS self-study. Many people think of this activity simply as “fundraising”, but the term “Institutional Advancement” conveys the strategic importance and how our development activities help further the school’s work.

I wish all a very relaxing holiday,

Robert Woods, Head of School,, 503-226-2496 x122