P.S. from Alfonso
Dear Friends, Our last Thursday of school brought a very touching handshaking ceremony for the fifth graders and another departing student, namely me.We also had lovely graduation ceremonies for both the Kinders and grade 5’s.
And a special announcement from 3rd grade parent parent Kathy who was instrumental in supporting the grade 3 fund drive for African Sports Outreach: the ASO school in Togo will remain open due in part to the $1,225 our third grade class, ISP parents and staff contributed to our recent fundraiser. While our rather lofty target had been $2,500, Paul was able to make a personal “matching” donation to ASO that will ensure the school remains open for yet another year.
Thanks Kathy and a very big thanks to the third graders who learned about service to the community and turned their learning into action. Thanks also to Rowan (grade 3 Adriana) and his family for hosting a world class ice cream sale, to Leeland in grade 3 Shirleen, who broke his bank to give $300, to Yvonne who spearheaded the original idea, and to so many other students who jumped in to work! Time and again I have been shown that we have an amazingly caring group of students. And you parents should be proud of the values you teach them.
Take good care,
– Alfonso
ISP Head of School – July 2009 to June 2012