January 30, 2012

Update from Alfonso – 1/30

Dear Friends,

First and foremost heartfelt congratulations to the students and teachers of the Chinese track on a wonderful Chinese New Year performance last Friday at the Gerding Theater. I am always amazed at the poise, confidence and talent of our students in singing and dancing to Chinese songs and using their Chinese language so effectively. Thanks to Linda, Maria Abad, Maria Xiong, Jhoanna, Jan and Xiaofeng for their hard work in planning, and to Bill Clydesdale who is a first rate stage hand when not busy lawyering. Thanks also to Grade 5 teacher Wen-Chyou Kuo and Dr. Yang for lovely music on traditional Chinese instruments.

Last Thursday we hosted an IB information evening for prospective parents with teachers from various tracks and grade levels talking about the marvelous things they do each day with students. Many thanks to the teachers, volunteers and admin staff who put in many hours to make this event successful. It was a packed house, which certainly bodes well for admissions in the coming year. Be sure to remind your friends and neighbors that if they intend to apply they should do so early.

Both Teresa and I will be serving on a PNAIS (Pacific Northwest Association of Independent Schools) accreditation team this week and will return Thursday. As members of the association, it is incumbent on us to volunteer, but we also have a chance to visit and learn from another IB language immersion school as we help them self reflect on how they do what they do. While ISP is already accedited by the Northwest Accreditation Commission, we will undergo our three year visit from the IB Organization in ’12-’13 and our PNAIS accreditation in ’13-’14.

If you have a grade 1-5 child and have not yet completed the homework survey, please do so if at all possible – your feedback is important. We will be closing the survey to start analysis Tuesday January 31 (end of day). Complete the survey at intlschool.org/homework.

Friday, February 3 will be a professional development day so there will be no school for students that day.

I wish you all a peaceful week and will see you on Thursday at the corner.

Dr. Alfonso Orsini, Head of School, AOrsini@intlschool.org, 503-226-2496 x122