International School of Portland Endowment Funds

Your gift today makes a world of difference to our tomorrow. 

What if you could give a child a better future? Inspire a great teacher to be even better? Place captivating books into the hands of more eager readers? Ensure the International School of Portland will be here for your great-grandchildren?

You can do all of this and more. When you make a gift to ISP’s endowment, you make big things possible. You open doors. You change lives. You protect the place you love. And, you create your legacy.

An endowment gift is a gift that keeps giving long into the future. Your contribution is invested by the school, and the perpetual income your gift generates benefits the people and program you choose to support – year after year.

Click on the links below to find out how your gift makes a difference, why it is vital to the long-term health of the school and how to make your contribution. Plus, read the stories of generous community members who have started endowed funds at ISP and learn about their visions for a better future.

If you have questions or would like to talk more about the International School of Portland’s endowment, we invite you to reach out. We’d love to learn what is important to you!

Beth Katona, Development Director

Common Questions on our Endowment:

How does my endowed gift benefit students and teachers year-after-year?

An endowment gift is a gift that keeps giving long into the future. Your contribution is invested by the school. The original amount of your gift remains intact while the perpetual income it generates benefits the people and program you choose to support for years to come.

ISP has two types of endowment funds: unrestricted and restricted.

Unrestricted Gifts: When you choose to make a gift to the ISP unrestricted endowment fund, your donation will be used to fund the greatest needs of our school in any given year. This fund also serves as a “safety net” to ensure the school’s future in the event of an unforeseen downturn.

Restricted Gifts: Donors who make a gift to a restricted fund, like the ones listed above, designate their gift for a specific purpose like financial aid, the library, teacher professional development and more. The income generated by their gift goes to fund this purpose in perpetuity.

Can an endowment gift be any size?

Yes! No matter how big or small, your support makes a difference. You can make a gift of any amount to the ISP unrestricted endowment fund, or any of the existing restricted funds that are meaningful to you and your family. To establish your own named endowment fund, restricted to a specific purpose, we request that you make a minimum contribution of $25,000.

How can I make an endowment gift?

You can make an outright gift to the school in the form of cash or appreciated securities. You can also make a pledged donation payable over a number of years.

Leaving a bequest or other estate gift to ISP is another way to make an enduring contribution to the people and programs close to your heart. More information on this opportunity can be found below. Please let us know of your intention to make a Planned Gift. It will allow us to fully understand how you would like your gift to go to work and to be able to honor the intent of your donation.