April 2, 2012

News from Alfonso – April 2

Dear Friends,

April. Unbelievable! How awful this sun is. But I am looking forward to the return of rain later this week and even some nice crisp temperatures in the high 30’s at night. I’ll be so disappointed if we don’t get cold rainy weather. (wink wink) I hope you had a wonderful holiday, and I was happy to see many of you stopping to welcome incoming Head of School Robert Woods, who arrived with his wife Amelia from Tanzania last Saturday evening. Robert will be around all this week. Please do not be shy. Just walk up and say hello.

The Capstone voyagers have all returned safely and clearly had a great experience, and here we go into the final stretch. This month we will be trying to remind people in a number of ways to give to the Annual Fund. When we go to ask donors and foundations for support, they will first ask, what percentage of your own families and staff give? I would love to say 100%. In fact that would be my dream going away gift. I don’t need books or any tangible items that require packing. In my more advanced years I increasingly eschew things.  I just need to see your love for ISP in the form of a tangible gift of at least $5 (though more is surely acceptable!). About the price of a grande skinny iced decaf mocha whatever from a chain coffee shop to remain nameless. You can make that gift today when you are really  excited that you have turned your kids back over to us! We’ll be using reminders this month like carrying buckets and signs out at traffic, and you can help if you each say to five other families, “Hey, Alfonso asked me to remind you about the ISP Fund.”  100%.  The impossible dream? Naah, just a little focus, a little love.

Have a peaceful slow-driving week and I’ll see you at one corner or the other.

Dr. Alfonso Orsini, Head of School, AOrsini@intlschool.org, 503-226-2496 x122

(P.S. from Kelsey – if you haven’t already donated this year, please consider contributing securely on-line by clicking on the donate-now button that we have added to Alfonso’s note. Thank you!)