March 19, 2012

Update from Alfonso – 3/19

Greetings Friends,
Last Friday we were grateful to Don Bosshardt, husband of our Development Director, Kelsey Cleveland, who came into grade 3-5 assembly to do a presentation on Japanese flute music. The students found it fascinating I am sure.

A big thanks to Linda, Maria, Teresa and the lowk- grade 1 teachers who, through info sessions last week,  gave parents a wonderful glimpse of what life will be like in the next grade. Thanks teachers and thanks to the approximately 100 parents who atended!

This morning scientist parent Craig Miller visited a grade 3 class to talk about scientific measurement. Later this week all third graders will visit a design studio, “The Plant” run by parent Bill Dieter to look at how we measure and the different tools we use to measure length, weight, density and force. Bill works on harnesses that are used to hold astronauts down to the treadmill on the space station!

Capstone students are all proceeding on the second week of their journeys (click here to read the blogs), and this means of course that our spring break is right on the horizon. Let’s make it our theme and guiding principle to make it safely and uneventfully and undramatically to spring break this week.

Some have asked me if I have been promoted to the other corner in traffic duties. Actually I am down there for a reason. After people drop off their kids they can feel a sense of liberation. I want to keep that a slow and peaceful liberation and not a crank up the music and wind in your hair liberation. Always always drive slowly and be patient with others.

Have a good week and SYATC
Dr. Alfonso Orsini, Head of School,, 503-226-2496 x122