
Diversity and Inclusion

Global Kids serves currently enrolled ISP students in a multicultural environment that celebrates diversity and does not discriminate based on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, cultural background, national origin, ability, religion, or age.

International School of Portland Universal Expectations

Children are expected to adhere to the same expectations during  Global Kids as they do during the school day program. Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Fluent. Please refer to the Parent Handbook regarding the Universal Expectations and Behavioral and Academic Support. Consequences for students who exhibit severe or persistent behaviors that do not adhere to the International School of Portland Universal Expectations could include calling a parent, sending a child home early, or asking a child to take time off from the program, at the discretion of the Global Kids Extended-day Program Coordinator and the Global Kids Extended-day Program Manager.

Student Information and Medications

Please ensure that student info is up to date in Campsite and that medications are provided to the Health and Safety Coordinator so that Global Kids can communicate with families and provide support for students as needed.

Release of Information

Please acknowledge the Release of Information when you enroll your children in Global Kids so that International School of Portland can coordinate care for your child with 3rd-Party Class Providers, which will allow us to share important information about your child including your contact info, pick-up authorization, allergy, medical information, and more with providers of 3rd party classes. If your child needs medical or other support while they are attending a 3rd Party Class located on International School of Portland’s campus, Global Kids will be able to coordinate support with the 3rd Party Class provider for your student(s).

Global Kids “End of Semester Showcase Week”

Global Kids will host a week of showcase events that include student performances and exhibits each semester (see Global Kids calendar for specific dates). Families are invited to the final day of each class to see what students have been working on during the semester.

Family Involvement

Family members are strongly encouraged to volunteer in Global Kids. Please contact the Global Kids Program Manager at or 503-226-2496 x122 to find out more information about volunteer opportunities. Volunteering with Global Kids will count toward your family’s annual volunteer hours.