October 3, 2017

ACT results

In Spring 2017, all ISP 3rd – 5th graders took the ACT Aspire.  The ACT Aspire Assessment is a large-scale, standardized achievement test. The results provide students and teachers with information about mastery of standards during the school year and across grade levels.

ISP at this time tests students on Reading and Math only. The scores from this assessment help predict how well a student will perform on both the ACT and ACT WorkKeys when they reach 11th grade. Students who need academic interventions or challenges can be identified earlier.

It is important to know that the ACT is only one indicator of a student’s level. Furthermore, the ACT does not assess all of what makes each child special and unique. We all have the privilege of experiencing your children being knowledgeable in many different ways, most of which are not assessed by the ACT. Therefore, we use the ACT as only one piece of information as we support your children in moving forward both personally and academically.

Overall, the scores are positive in terms of school-wide performance; however, during the school year, the Educational Leadership Team along with teachers will analyze the data more deeply to see trends, areas in which we do well, and areas in need of improvement. 

Below are the schools overall performance alongside the performance of all students who took the ACT, which in each grade was approximately 170,000 students. 

Please feel free to contact Bodo Heiliger (bheiliger@intlschool.org) or Robert Woods (rwoods@intlschool.org) with any questions.